- 1 part vodka
- 2 parts orange juice
According to Business Insider, the screwdriver originated from oil workers in the Persian Gulf who secretly added vodka to their orange juice and then stirred it with a screwdriver. We recommend you use a spoon.

Punch List Punch
- 2 parts cranberry juice cocktail
- 2 parts lemonade
- 2 parts champagne
- 1 part simple syrup
This is the perfect drink for celebrating all those punch list items you closed out.

Muddy Boot
- 1 part Kahlua
- 1 part Vodka
- 1 part Baileys
Lucky for you, this cocktail doubles as dessert!

The 2X4
- 2 parts Jack Daniels
- 4 parts Coca Cola
You may have guessed another name for this drink but we’re going to stick with ours. For extra hard days you can even switch the ratios and use 4 parts Jack Daniels, 2 parts Coca Cola no judgement here.

Shovel Shooter
- 1 part coffee liqueur
- 1 part vodka
Top it off with whipped cream and then shovel it down.

Rusty Nail
- 1 part scotch
- 1 part
Drambuie Garnish with a lemon twist and make sure you’ve had your tetanus shot.
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