The conservative attitudes in construction put trust the old ways, often to the detriment of adopting new ideas and new technology. Construction’s slim margins also mean that any changes to the status quo must be … about 5 Tactics to Convince Your Boss to Adopt New Ideas and Technology
Tap Into Maintenance for a New Profit Center
How maintenance might just be the key to new found sources of profit.
A Dozen Tips for Holding A Successful Meeting
How do you hold a meeting that everyone wants to attend? Do you.. A. Give away valuable prizes and make sure everyone wins something? B. Threaten them with their jobs if they don’t attend? C. … about A Dozen Tips for Holding A Successful Meeting
Will Tech Drive Sydney’s Infrastructure Boom?
In a statement released to media by NSW Liberals, Chief Commissioner of Greater Sydney, Lucy Turnbull commented: "As Sydney grows, it will be more and more important that we enhance the liveability of our suburbs … about Will Tech Drive Sydney’s Infrastructure Boom?
Silica Dust Rule
If you’re in the dark about what the new silica-dust rule means for you, you’re not alone. The new standard is by far one of OSHA’s most comprehensive and complex health and safety regulations to … about Silica Dust Rule
We’re Beyond Printed Drawings
Consider the difference between printed directions and the information you get from a traffic app on your mobile device. The app updates in real time, shows you where accidents or construction has blocked your route, … about We’re Beyond Printed Drawings
ENR 2017 Top 400 Contractors
The construction market is growing and strong, even amidst premature predictions of a decline. Since 2015, there has been an increase each year in contracting revenue, particularly in domestic revenue. Since last year, contracting revenue … about ENR 2017 Top 400 Contractors
Accounting vs Job Costing: Who Does What and What’s the Difference?
Every morning, you sit down at your computer with the best intentions. With coffee in one hand and your to-do list in the other, you’re feeling geared up and ready for a productive day on … about Accounting vs Job Costing: Who Does What and What’s the Difference?
6 Superintendent Tactics for Managing Materials
Superintendents deal with a lot of materials. Even though subs order and maintain their own job stocks, the superintendent must often handle the logistics of material movement and storage. Plus, as the GC’s rep, the … about 6 Superintendent Tactics for Managing Materials
Safety Culture and Safety Climate: What’s the Difference?
Safety culture encompasses “the deeply held, but often unspoken, safety-related beliefs, attitudes, and values that interact with an organization’s systems, practices, people, and leadership to establish norms about how things are done in the organization,” … about Safety Culture and Safety Climate: What’s the Difference?