Fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) is a working arrangement where, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, “the place of work is sufficiently isolated from the worker’s place of residence to make daily commute impractical.” The worker, … about Fly-in, Fly-Out Workers Run a Greater Risk of Depression
Causes and Prevention of Cancer in the Construction Industry
Workers in the construction industry develop certain types of cancer at higher rates than the general population. While the word “cancer” creates a visceral response of fear in anyone who hears it, there are ways … about Causes and Prevention of Cancer in the Construction Industry
Not-So-Good Vibrations: Is Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) In Your Future?
As if working in construction doesn’t come with a host of health and safety hazards, tools commonly used by construction laborers, trade personnel, and other manual workers have been found to create a constellation of … about Not-So-Good Vibrations: Is Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) In Your Future?
How Construction Leaders Introduce Emotional Intelligence Skills to Their Teams
Some managers might fear they may be mocked if they introduce concepts of emotional intelligence in the workplace. They might tend to keep this soft-skill work to themselves and see what kind of change they … about How Construction Leaders Introduce Emotional Intelligence Skills to Their Teams
Opioids in Construction
The opiate epidemic is real, and the construction industry is one of the hardest hit. It is unfortunate that the safety issues are not all caused by illicit drug use; workers who are appropriately taking … about Opioids in Construction
You are what you eat: What you need to know about nutrition and your work health
Feeling tired and sloggy? It’s probably what you’re eating. Confused and irritable? Yep. Food’s probably to blame. Not looking like you did when you were 18 and irresistible? Could be the food. Probably a few … about You are what you eat: What you need to know about nutrition and your work health
Improving the Mental Health of Your Employees
Mental health can be a touchy subject to address with your employees, especially since it’s so often accompanied by a negative stigma. With as many as 1 in 5 people in the United States dealing … about Improving the Mental Health of Your Employees
6 Ways to Avoid Stress and Injuries on the Jobsite
The evidence for the toll of stress on the job keeps adding up. Besides affecting worker performance, job stress is closely linked to injuries, and a majority of American workers say they are stressed out. … about 6 Ways to Avoid Stress and Injuries on the Jobsite
Arkansas-Based Nabholz Targets Employee Wellness
Employees at Nabholz Construction Corp., headquartered in Conway, Arkansas, keep getting healthier, while company leaders continue to see declines in health insurance premiums. And, it’s all thanks to the Wellness Program the company implemented in … about Arkansas-Based Nabholz Targets Employee Wellness
Construction Workers Struggle with a High Prevalence of Mental Health Issue
As one of the largest employers in Australia, accounting for over 625,000 jobs across the country, the issue of mental health in construction is slowly gaining greater attention at both industry and government level. The … about Construction Workers Struggle with a High Prevalence of Mental Health Issue