COVID-19 has significantly affected job prospects for youth pondering careers in the hospitality and restaurant industries. However, the construction industry might be able to benefit from that.
One Ontario Aiming to Streamline and Speed up Permitting Process
The development approval processes used by municipalities in Ontario are fragmented, lengthy, and often downright confusing for many builders who must use the system. However, help could soon be on the way.
Why Choose a Green Roof for Your Next Build
Green roofs have become more than a trend over the past decade. Municipalities around the world have chosen to adopt bylaws requiring green roof installation in new commercial builds. Although green initiatives, in general, are … about Why Choose a Green Roof for Your Next Build
How the Canadian Construction Industry is Weathering the COVID Storm
The Canadian construction industry took some heavy body blows at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis but found its legs quickly and appears to be on the road to recovery.
5 Construction Tech Trends Making an Impact in 2020
Technology has undoubtedly disrupted the entire industry. Technology has changed the ways companies handle everything from fleet monitoring to expense tracking to scheduling. Each year a different technology seems to step out of the shadows … about 5 Construction Tech Trends Making an Impact in 2020
Technological Breakthroughs That Will Reshape Construction’s Future
Here are some of the dramatic shifts futurists and analysts believe the industry should prepare for in the coming decades.
4 Ways to Make Your Company Standout from the Competition
Contractor differentiation is becoming increasingly important for long-term survival in construction markets that are flush with competition. The difference in getting the work, or being invited to bid, often hinges on a contractor's ability to … about 4 Ways to Make Your Company Standout from the Competition
A Million Points of Light: The Benefits of 3D Laser Scanning
In the competitive construction world, time is money. Utilizing a 3D laser scanner at every stage of the construction process has numerous benefits, all of which contribute to efficiency and accuracy for all stakeholders involved, … about A Million Points of Light: The Benefits of 3D Laser Scanning
The Best Advice Ever Given by a Superintendent
If you are new to supervising construction, and you really want to get an idea of what’s required to excel at construction management, you should talk to a superintendent. If there is one person who … about The Best Advice Ever Given by a Superintendent
Two Women Blazing a Trail in Construction with Digital Workforce Solutions
Little more than seven years ago, Mallorie Brodie and Lauren Lake met at a young entrepreneurship program. The two women had very different academic backgrounds but had a shared dream—to establish a thriving business.