The latest construction news from around the globe…
Catch up on what’s going on in construction this week. From a deep dive into industrial automation company, Built Robotics to new opportunities in green building, we’ve got you covered on all the industry news from around the world.

Cops Disguised as Construction Workers to Start Patrolling New York Road Work Zones
In an effort to make speedway construction safer, New York is launching Operation Hard Hat, a statewide traffic enforcement measure where law enforcement officers will dress like construction workers to target and penalize reckless drivers. In a public statement, Gov. Andrew Cuomo emphasized, “As New Yorkers, we have a responsibility to keep these essential workers out of harm’s way – and that means slowing down, moving over and using common sense.”

OSHA to Begin Cracking Down on Jobsites’ COVID Safety Procedures
During the beginning months of the pandemic, OSHA granted businesses some extra time to learn about OSHA’s newly required safety procedures. However, this grace period has now run out and the building departments in a number of areas have begun to strictly monitor and enforce guidelines, and have even handed out some hefty citations.
Elon Musk Releases New Rendering of Vegas Loop Station
For the first time, we are starting to see what a fully built out loop station would look like in Las Vegas. Earlier this week, Elon Musk, of Tesla and The Boring Company, tweeted out a new rendering of the underground convention center station. Although the loop is expected to reach completion in the early months of 2021, its opening may be delayed due to the coronavirus.

This Company Uses Advanced Crane Data for Future Safety
A relatively new hardware and software solution from called CraneView is allowing construction crews to gather data on the load, weight, and motion of any material lifted into the air from a crane. By externally attaching a device equipped with a series of cameras and sensors to the hook of a crane, companies can strategically determine where their inefficiencies lie.

Continuing Construction of Schools Helping the Industry Rebound
Earlier this month, California announced it would keep its budget for public school bond projects in place for the upcoming fiscal year. This is good news for the construction industry as it will likely help increase contractor confidence in finding consistent work in 2021. One of the biggest players for these projects in the LA school district which has a voter-approved bond program currently valued at $27.5 billion.

How Built Robotics is Cultivating a Driverless Future
Since coming onto the scene in 2016, Built Robotics has made a serious name for itself by developing a unique autonomous excavating system that relies on artificial intelligence. This technology is expected to create big waves in the coming years, especially in the public infrastructure sector. Check out this new video from Freethink on the driverless future of Built Robotics.

UCLA Secures $2.9 Grant to Transform CO2 into Concrete The U.S.
The Department of Energy recently granted a research team at UCLA a two-year, $2 million grant to advance the development of a scientific process that can convert carbon dioxide emissions into a concrete known as CO2Concrete. The team is led by UCLA professor Gaurav Sant, inventor of CO2Concrete, and also the director of UCLA’s Institute for Carbon Management.

Senior Living Communities Won’t Be Designed the Same Post-COVID, Here’s Why
According to BD+C, the costs of maintaining a high quality of care for senior living communities have skyrocketed due to the pandemic. In order to adapt to the changing needs of these communities, design and construction firms need to think more about the technologies that will allow them to facilitate safer and more creatively designed spaces.

COVID Could Open the Door for More Green Building
The UK recently announced that it would invest £3bn in ‘green jobs’, a good portion of which will be spent on retrofitting existing public building stock and social housing to become energy efficient. This move is undoubtedly a much-needed step towards achieving the UK’s net-zero carbon goals and will hopefully lead to more green building throughout the country.

Nominations Open for CBO’s Outstanding Women in Construction 2020
If you have an extra moment, nominate the leading female construction professional in your life for Construction Business Owner’s Outstanding Women in Construction (OWIC). Nominations close September 4th, so be sure to get your nomination in soon!

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