If you think you’ve got it tough turning a renovation project in six to 10 months, imagine having only six to 10 weeks. That’s the kind of pressure Cocozza Group faces along with the congestion … about How to Apply Retail Timelines to Hand Over Your Project in Record Time
Construction Scheduling
How Much Money Is Your Construction Project Losing Today?
If you want to minimize the money you could potentially lose on your construction project, these are three areas you should be focusing on:
3 Surefire Ways To a Successful Project Schedule
Construction project scheduling is a lot like playing whack a mole — every time you think you've got everything fixed, a new problem pops up. So, before you decide to plug all the holes and … about 3 Surefire Ways To a Successful Project Schedule
How to Effectively Communicate the Schedule
Construction project planners know schedule details inside and out. They can look at a Gantt chart and easily see the relationship between tasks, the durations assigned, and the resources committed. Unfortunately, few others in the … about How to Effectively Communicate the Schedule
Getting on the Same Page as your Building Inspector
Building inspectors and contractors share the same target: to complete a build safely and efficiently so that they can satisfy the homeowner. While there has historically been a disconnect between the two parties, there’s a … about Getting on the Same Page as your Building Inspector
Tap Into Maintenance for a New Profit Center
How maintenance might just be the key to new found sources of profit.
6 Superintendent Tactics for Managing Materials
Superintendents deal with a lot of materials. Even though subs order and maintain their own job stocks, the superintendent must often handle the logistics of material movement and storage. Plus, as the GC’s rep, the … about 6 Superintendent Tactics for Managing Materials
Superintendent’s Guide to Knowing When to Ask for Help
It’s not easy for superintendents to ask for help managing construction projects when they’re expected to be superhuman. But not asking can lead to disaster. The best approach is to recognize that you need help … about Superintendent’s Guide to Knowing When to Ask for Help
Choose the Right Scheduling Method, Avoid Lengthy Litigation
Deadlines mean different things to different stakeholders. A practical project manager knows that schedules are always in flux. Meanwhile, owners have their eyes on the bottom line at all times. If substantial completion isn’t met … about Choose the Right Scheduling Method, Avoid Lengthy Litigation
6 Common Scheduling Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
The demands and pressures placed on you everyday are greater now than ever before. Information hits you faster than you can digest it. Jobs are put on your plate faster than your team can handle … about 6 Common Scheduling Mistakes and How to Avoid Them