Business productivity depends on having the right tools to get the job done. This is true whether you’re a carpenter framing a house or a data analyst getting the insights necessary for decision-making purposes. For … about Maximizing Productivity: Should You Build or Buy Software?
Construction Software
How Construction Project Owners Are Using Technology to Achieve On-Time, On-Budget Performance
The uncertainty of the last year has prompted many business owners to rethink their relationship with technology. In a new survey from international research firm IDC, more than 500 construction project owners and developers in … about How Construction Project Owners Are Using Technology to Achieve On-Time, On-Budget Performance
Busting Five Common Myths about BIM
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is increasingly being specified by government, institutional and large commercial clients. However, the adoption of BIM lags among the small to medium enterprises that comprise most businesses in the global construction … about Busting Five Common Myths about BIM
Protect Your Margins By Catching Field Issues in Real Time
To ensure issues in the field don’t spiral out of control you need to identify and resolve them as early as possible before they jeopardize profitability. Unfortunately, how quickly specialty contractors can discover these margin-killing … about Protect Your Margins By Catching Field Issues in Real Time
BBI Construction is Taking Quality and Safety to a New Level
For nearly 50 years, Oakland, California-based BBI Construction has taken its role as a good citizen of the Bay Area seriously, focusing on projects that add value to the community, from multifamily residential to schools, … about BBI Construction is Taking Quality and Safety to a New Level
Top 9 Factors to Consider When Selecting a Construction Management IT Provider
The growth in construction software means technology leaders are in high demand. They are developing digital transformation strategies while solving system issues, so teams have access to the tools they need to succeed.
Four Ways Construction Technology Can Help You Combat the Labor Shortage
The labor shortage that’s impacting the construction industry does not have to be the end of the line for your business. Thanks to steady strides in technology, construction software is constantly being developed to improve … about Four Ways Construction Technology Can Help You Combat the Labor Shortage
How a Successful Construction Company has Lasted for Nearly a 100 years
Started in 1927 as a plumbing and heating company, Trotter & Morton Group of Companies, has achieved phenomenal success in a highly competitive industry. Today, the Calgary-based construction company has grown to projects that include … about How a Successful Construction Company has Lasted for Nearly a 100 years
What is Low Productivity Really Costing You?
Tracking productivity on construction projects is a game changer. However, getting it right is not instantaneous. Sadly, many contractors do not realize how much low productivity costs them.
Best Practices for Achieving Field Team Adoption of Construction Technology
Even when forward-looking construction companies get serious about their investment in construction technology, it will be of limited benefit if field teams aren’t on board. Rolling out technology requires strong buy-in from workers in order … about Best Practices for Achieving Field Team Adoption of Construction Technology