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Electrical Material Prices

Get the latest prices and historical cost data in each U.S. region for common electrical materials. Find recent pricing and view price trends for conduit, wiring, breakers, panels, and more.

United States

Average change year over year: all electrical costs


United States

Average change over the last 6 months: all electrical costs


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Electrical Type

Steel outlet box
Electrical panel, 125-amp
12/2 Romex®
Outlet, 15-amp
Average Electrician Material PricesUNITED STATES$100.00$100.00$80.00$80.00$60.00$60.00$40.00$40.00$20.00$20.00$0.00$0.00Jul '24Jul '2415 Jul15 JulAug '24Aug '2415 Aug15 AugSep '24Sep '2415 Sep15 SepOct '24Oct '2415 Oct15 OctNov '24Nov '2415 Nov15 NovDec '24Dec '24

Conduit, Fittings, and Boxes


Product Type

Product Description

  • 1-gang


Average change over the last 6 months: Steel outlet box



Average change over the last 6 months: Steel outlet box


Average in the United States
Steel outlet box
Steel outlet boxWEST$3.00$3.00$2.00$2.00$1.00$1.00$0.00$0.00Jul '24Jul '2415 Jul15 JulAug '24Aug '2415 Aug15 AugSep '24Sep '2415 Sep15 SepOct '24Oct '2415 Oct15 OctNov '24Nov '2415 Nov15 NovDec '24Dec '24

Fuses & Breakers


Product Type

Product Description


Average change over the last 6 months: Electrical panel, 125-amp



Average change over the last 6 months: Electrical panel, 125-amp


Average in the United States
Electrical panel, 125-amp
Electrical panel, 125-ampWEST$75.00$75.00$74.00$74.00$73.00$73.00$72.00$72.00$71.00$71.00Jul '24Jul '2415 Jul15 JulAug '24Aug '2415 Aug15 AugSep '24Sep '2415 Sep15 SepOct '24Oct '2415 Oct15 OctNov '24Nov '2415 Nov15 NovDec '24Dec '24

Switches & Receptacles


Product Type

Product Description


Average change over the last 6 months: Outlet, 15-amp



Average change over the last 6 months: Outlet, 15-amp


Average in the United States
Outlet, 15-amp
Outlet, 15-ampWEST$4.00$4.00$3.00$3.00$2.00$2.00$1.00$1.00$0.00$0.00$-1.00$-1.00Jul '24Jul '2415 Jul15 JulAug '24Aug '2415 Aug15 AugSep '24Sep '2415 Sep15 SepOct '24Oct '2415 Oct15 OctNov '24Nov '2415 Nov15 NovDec '24Dec '24

Wire & Cable


Product Type

Product Description

  • 250 ft.


Average change over the last 6 months: 12/3 Romex®



Average change over the last 6 months: 12/3 Romex®


Average in the United States
12/3 Romex®
12/3 Romex®WEST$210.00$210.00$200.00$200.00$190.00$190.00$180.00$180.00$170.00$170.00$160.00$160.00$150.00$150.00Jul '24Jul '2415 Jul15 JulAug '24Aug '2415 Aug15 AugSep '24Sep '2415 Sep15 SepOct '24Oct '2415 Oct15 OctNov '24Nov '2415 Nov15 NovDec '24Dec '24

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