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AWI Manufacturing

AWI Manufacturing

Claimed Business


4 Trades and Services

AWI has been an industry leader in floor drain systems for the food, beverage, meat, brewery and poultry industries for over 50 years. Stainless steel floor drains, trench drains, slot drains, floor sinks, hub drains, p-traps, cleanouts and everything in between.

Company Size: 51 to 100 employees

Average Contract Size: Less than $100,000 (USD)

Legal Name: AWI Manufacturing

Trades and Services

Design and Engineering, Plumbing, Sanitary Facilities, Steam Process Piping

Market Sectors

Industrial and Energy

Company Types

Engineer, Supplier

AWI Manufacturing Procore Activity

How are these metrics calculated?

22Total Procore Projects

$10,726,544Average Procore Project Size

Current Activity

13Active Procore Projects

1Procore User

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