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Falloway's Painting LLC

Falloway's Painting LLC

Claimed Business

We are a full-service paint contracting company out of Owensboro, KY. Our roots are in KY but we also travel out-of-state for large projects. We do new construction and repaints, interior and exterior. Our work includes almost all types of paint projects, including residential, commercial, and industrial. We handle everything from small one-day projects to 100,000+ square foot buildings. Our work...
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Company Size: 10 to 50 employees

Average Contract Size: $100,000 to $1,000,000 (USD)

Legal Name: Falloway's Painting LLC

Trades and Services

Painting and Coatings, Project Management and Coordination

Market Sectors

Commercial, Industrial and Energy, Institutional, Residential

Company Types

General Contractor, Specialty Contractor

Business Classifications

Prevailing Wage

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