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GoFetsch Mechanical

Claimed Business

Seventeen years ago, my husband Andy and I shared a goal. We wanted to create a female, minority owned mechanical company, that provided quality and valued work in the greater metropolitan area. During the last seventeen years we believe our dream and goal has been fulfilled. Working with other contractors over the years we have become a trusted partner maintaining long term relationships while ea...
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Legal Name: GoFetsch Mechanical

Joined Procore in July 2022

Trades and Services

Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning HVAC, Plumbing

Market Sectors

Commercial, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Institutional, Residential

Company Types

Specialty Contractor

GoFetsch Mechanical Procore Activity Since July 2022

How are these metrics calculated?

25Total Procore Projects

$10,001,959Average Procore Project Size

Current Activity

2Active Procore Projects

1Procore User

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