HBA Construction
Claimed Business
When you need a commercial or residential excavation contractor, then hiring HBA Construction is the right move. Our expert Douglas has been moving and sculpting mother earth, from building roads to excavating foundations, since 1975.
Foundations, Demolition, Driveways, Retention Ponds, Finish Grading, Site Preparation, Earth Moving, Land Clearing, Storm Drains, Water Lines, Basement Excavation

Company Size: Less than 10 employees

Average Contract Size: Less than $100,000 (USD)

Joined Procore in August 2023
Trades and Services
Demolition, Earthwork, Landscaping
Market Sectors
Commercial, Industrial and Energy, Institutional, Residential
Company Types
Specialty Contractor
HBA Construction Procore Activity Since August 2023
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Current Activity
1Procore User
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