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Laser Acoustics Inc.

Claimed Business

Since 1985, Laser Acoustics has been Houston’s premier acoustical ceiling installation company serving general contractors across the Southwest. Laser Acoustics remains focused on traditional commercial ceilings and has since become better known for its ability to install complex ceilings requiring specially trained technicians and journeymen.

Trades and Services

Acoustic Ceilings, Acoustic Treatment, Ceilings, Interior Specialties, Specialty Ceilings, Wall Specialties

Market Sectors

Commercial, Healthcare, Industrial and Energy, Infrastructure, Institutional

Company Types

Specialty Contractor

Business Classifications

Small Business (SBE)

Laser Acoustics Inc. Procore Activity

How are these metrics calculated?

85Total Procore Projects

$22,797,472Average Procore Project Size

Current Activity

40Active Procore Projects

3Procore Users

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