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Unrivaled Interiors

Unrivaled Homes, LLC

Claimed Business


4 Trades and Services

We are a team based in Houston, Texas. Interior finishes on time, and within budget with minimal oversight or follow-up needed. Reliable coordination with partner trades is a top priority to allow your team to focus on the task. Integrity-based communication with your team will be refreshing and insightful. Quality material, workmanship, and management combine to form a genuinely Unrivaled experi...
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Trades and Services

Concrete Countertops, Countertops, Simulated Stone Countertops, Stone Countertops

Market Sectors

Commercial, Healthcare, Institutional, Residential

Company Types

Specialty Contractor

Unrivaled Homes, LLC Procore Activity

How are these metrics calculated?

63Total Procore Projects

$40,913,880Average Procore Project Size

Current Activity

49Active Procore Projects

5Procore Users

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