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If you can send an email, you can use Procore. Streamlined construction is really that simple.
Construction daywork sheets software
Document. Verify. Submit. And initiate a Variation to get paid for out-of-scope work.
With Procore Field Productivity’s digital Daywork Sheets tool, you don't have to track down, email, scan, and manually enter lost paper tickets and carbon copy forms once you're back in the office. Our Daywork Sheets tool makes it easy to quickly document out-of-scope work the minute it’s requested on site.Office teams are automatically notified so they can generate the variation and secure payment for work performed. Here’s how it works:
Capture labour, equipment, and material used on site
Collect e-signatures on a mobile device or send requests for remote e-signatures
Track daywork sheet status in real-time with dashboards
Transfer quantities, apply contractual rates, and generate a variation
Notifications and automatic status updates provide 24/7 visibility into at-risk work that may impact your profits.
Quickly generate a Variation directly from a Daywork Sheet to secure payment for work performed.
Capture customer and company signatures to keep parties informed and hold everybody accountable.
Enter time in one place and simply copy existing time entries to new T&M tickets created in the field.
“Clean and easy-to-read T&M tickets with real-time visibility into the status of work. It takes seconds to convert to a Change Event so customers get it in minutes, not hours or weeks, and get paid.”
Justin Weidner
Vice President
A&R Mechanical Contractors
If you can send an email, you can use Procore. Streamlined construction is really that simple.