Electrical Contractors in Queen Creek, AZ

1,265 Results within

Electrical General
Electrical Power Generation
Electrical Utilities High and Medium Voltage Distribution
Facility Electrical Power Generating and Storing Equipment
Instrumentation and Control For Electrical Systems
Traction Power
Market Sector
Company Type
Business Classification
Trades and Services (7)
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Ontario, CA • Washington, DC • Alabama • Alaska • Alberta • Arizona • Arkansas • British Columbia • California • Colorado • Connecticut • Delaware • Florida • Georgia • Idaho • Illinois • Indiana • Iowa • Kansas • Kentucky • Louisiana • Maine • Manitoba • Maryland • Massachusetts • Michigan • Minnesota • Mississippi • Missouri • Montana • Nebraska • Nevada • New Brunswick • New Hampshire • New Jersey • New Mexico • New York • North Carolina • North Dakota • Ohio • Oklahoma • Ontario • Oregon • Pennsylvania • Québec • Rhode Island • Saskatchewan • South Carolina • South Dakota • Tennessee • Texas • Utah • Vermont • Virginia • Washington • West Virginia • Wisconsin • Wyoming
Engineer, General Contractor, Specialty Contractor
Commercial, Industrial and Energy, Infrastructure, Institutional
Commissioning, Electrical Power Generation, Industry Specific Manufacturing Equipment, Marine Specialties, Mechanical Design and Engineering, Process Piping, Towers, Traction Power
Established in 2008 and based in Florida, RCG USA is a global provider of products and engineering solutions. With sales of $10 millions a year, we are a subsidiary of RCG International, a Group founded in 1999 with annual sales in excess of $60 millions. Our technical team includes 30 mechanical engineers and technicians, as well as 10 automation and electrical drive engineers. Our company is certified ISO 9001. We service the following sectors: Renewable Energy (Hydro, Solar, Wind, Renewable Gas Upgrader Systems), Power Plants, Oil & Gas, Traction, Variable Speed Drives, Electrical Substations and Electrolysis.
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Vanguard Energy Partners, LLC

Alabama • Arizona • Connecticut • Delaware • District of Columbia • Florida • Georgia • Kentucky • Louisiana • Maine • Maryland • Massachusetts • Mississippi • New Hampshire • New Jersey • New Mexico • New York • North Carolina • Pennsylvania • Rhode Island • South Carolina • Tennessee • Texas • Vermont • Virginia • West Virginia
Specialty Contractor
Industrial and Energy
Electrical Power Generation
Vanguard Energy Partners, LLC is a national solar design-build firm that specializes in commercial, industrial and utility-scale projects. Some of Vanguard’s most notable projects include the highest solar array in the world, one of the largest rooftop arrays in North America, the first commercial net zero electric facility in the United States and the largest array in New Jersey built by a public utility. The Vanguard team will manage every aspect of your project from conceptual layout to financial planning and engineering through construction. We work with you every step of the way to ensure your array meets the intended production and is maintained properly throughout the years. Client satisfaction is our top priority. Vanguard’s proven expertise is built upon our team’s extensive experiences in the renewable energy market. Combined, we have decades worth of construction, project management, and engineering experience in the industry. The in-house knowledge from monitoring and maintaining a complex assortment of solar PV configurations constructed by a number of different installers has provided Vanguard a continuous loop of design-build-operate improvements that we apply each time we consider a new project.

Wen Lighting

Brampton, ON • Burlington, ON • Calgary, AB • DC, DC • Edmonton, AB • El Paso, TX • Fort Worth, TX • Hamilton, ON • Houston, TX • Indianapolis, IN • Jersey City, NJ • London, ON • Los Angeles, CA • New York, NY • Philadelphia, PA • Portland, OR • Regina, SK • Richmond Hill, ON • Richmond, BC • San Diego, CA • San Francisco, CA • San Jose, CA • Tampa, FL • Washington, DC • Winnipeg, MB • Alabama • Arizona • Arkansas • British Columbia • Colorado • Florida • Georgia • Hawaii • Idaho • Illinois • Indiana • Iowa • Louisiana • Manitoba • Maryland • Massachusetts • Michigan • Missouri • New Hampshire • New York • North Carolina • Ohio • Ontario • Oregon • Pennsylvania • Rhode Island • South Carolina • Tennessee • Texas • Virginia • Washington • West Virginia • Wisconsin
Architect, Consultant, Engineer, General Contractor, Owner Real Estate Developer, Specialty Contractor, Supplier
Commercial, Healthcare, Industrial and Energy, Infrastructure, Institutional, Residential
Access Flooring, Building Information Modeling Bim, Building Modules and Components, Built Up Bituminous Waterproofing, Bulk Material Processing Equipment, Construction Aides, Countertops, Design and Engineering, Electric Dumbwaiters, Electric Traction Elevators, Electrical, Electrical General, Electrical Power Generation, Electrical Utilities High and Medium Voltage Distribution, Electronic Life Safety, Electronic Personal Protection Systems, Electronic Security
Wen Lighting is a Architect, Consultant, Engineer, General Contractor, Owner Real Estate Developer, Specialty Contractor, Supplier that serves the Louisville, KY area and specializes in Electric Traction Elevators, Bulk Material Processing Equipment, Electrical, Electric Dumbwaiters, Electrical Utilities High and Medium Voltage Distribution, Building Modules and Components, Design and Engineering, Electronic Security, Countertops, Electronic Personal Protection Systems, Electronic Life Safety, Building Information Modeling BIM, Construction Aides, Built Up Bituminous Waterproofing, Electrical General, Electrical Power Generation, Access Flooring.
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Crone Electric

Specialty Contractor
Commercial, Residential
Communications, Electrical General
We welcome you to inquire about Crone Communications LLC (480-292-2132) and Crone Electric LLC. We look forward to a successful working relationship. We are a family owned business and believe in treating our employees, contractors, and other businesses as we would our own family. We believe that every opportunity contributes directly to our Company’s growth and success, and we take pride in being team players, and meeting deadlines. Nothing is more important to our success than the dedication and effort of each of our team members, and their professionalism with installations, other contractors, and customers. When we started: We started our company at the end of 2022. My son’s and I had a vision and we decided to run with it. Since the three of us worked for many other people, doing much of the same, we decided that it was time to stop running another’s company and begin our own. In doing so, we have made it a priority to treat each of our employees as family. Without them, there would be no us. For our employees, we strive to make this not another “job” but a career that has growth opportunities. For our future contracts, we lead by example. We background check, offer medical and dental benefits as well as a 401k. Why choose us? Crone Communications offers low voltage wiring for new builds, custom homes, and commercial buildings. We offer an array of expertise in all of your low voltage wiring needs. Crone Communications has combined experience of 35 years in management, and the low voltage and electrical industry. Though we are a newer business, we are mighty. We have extensive experience in fiber splicing (FTTP, OSP, ISP). Fiber internet installation and prep(FTTH). We also wire houses for smart panels and have experience in data centers. We can locate and lay conduit and bore. In addition to our current contract, we have completed statewide projects for Trepic Networks and Whitaker Electric. We take pride in customer satisfaction and believe in doing all of the work correctly the first time. For our current contractor, we have provided all installation crew members with cards with a QR code to leave THEM a five star review. In that time google reviews have jumped a total of 1.5 stars, to a 4.5 star rating. In addition, our technicians always leave their name and phone number should questions arise. These just touch the surface of how we go above and beyond for customer and employee relations. I look forward to meeting with you and talking about all things business,
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Esfahani Consulting Engineering

Arizona • California • Oregon • Washington
Commercial, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Institutional, Residential
Electrical Design and Engineering, Electrical Power Generation, Fire Protection Engineering
ESFAHANI CONSULTING ENGINEERS was founded in 2002 as consulting electrical engineering firm to provide engineering design services with a customer-centric focus and a wide range of project experience ranging from restaurants, retail strip shopping centers, civic and community centers, office spaces, educational facilities, healthcare, multi unit housing, assisted living facilities, winery, fire stations and light industrial projects. Our design provides a wealth of talent to each project with over 30 years of experience spanning both public and private clientele. Up to date with technology, codes and industry standards, every project is approached with a design tailored specifically to needs of that project with the goal of producing design to implement client needs. Our services include normal and emergency power distribution system, along with connectivity and communications. We can provide microgrid islanded modelling consulting services with intelligent energy control and develop cost benefit analysis for appropriate sizing of distributed energy resources optimization, scaled to end user specific needs keeping in mind reliability and sustainability. Lighting plays an important role in shaping our environment and our experiences with power to transform and withstand. We are aware of light importance therefore; we design affordable lighting solutions that is artful, beautiful, environmentally sustainable and in tune with architectural elements of a building. Esfahani Consulting Engineers could utilize AUTOCAD 2020 and 3D Building Information Modeling, (BIM), Revit MEP 2020 for your projects upon your preference in order to team up with architects and consultants effectively, to identify conflicts, solve problems and save money in the long run. We are registered professional engineers in California with associate registered engineers in most other states.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many Electrical contractors in Queen Creek, AZ are on the Procore Construction Network?

There are currently 1,265 Electrical contractors in Queen Creek, AZ on the Procore Construction Network.

How can I find and connect with Electrical contractors in Queen Creek, AZ?

The Procore Construction Network allows you to search for Electrical contractors in Queen Creek, AZ that meet your business needs. Most companies provide a phone number or website on their business page so you can easily connect with them.

How can Electrical contractors in Queen Creek, AZ join the Procore Construction Network?

The Procore Construction Network is free and open to any businesses in the construction industry. Click Sign Up at the top of this page to submit your information and create your business page.

How do I know what areas Electrical contractors in Queen Creek, AZ cover?

Most businesses listed on the Procore Construction Network have updated their service area. Select a business to view a service area map and find what other areas they work in.

How do I invite Electrical contractors in Queen Creek, AZ on the Procore Construction Network to bid on projects?

The Procore platform offers a Bidding tool to Procore customers. If your company uses our Bidding solution, you can search and invite businesses on the Procore Construction Network directly from the Bidding tool. Not yet using Procore? Request a demo.

How many Electrical contractors in Queen Creek, AZ are on the Procore Construction Network?

There are currently 1,265 Electrical contractors in Queen Creek, AZ on the Procore Construction Network.

How can I find and connect with Electrical contractors in Queen Creek, AZ?

The Procore Construction Network allows you to search for Electrical contractors in Queen Creek, AZ that meet your business needs. Most companies provide a phone number or website on their business page so you can easily connect with them.

How can Electrical contractors in Queen Creek, AZ join the Procore Construction Network?

The Procore Construction Network is free and open to any businesses in the construction industry. Click Sign Up at the top of this page to submit your information and create your business page.

How do I know what areas Electrical contractors in Queen Creek, AZ cover?

Most businesses listed on the Procore Construction Network have updated their service area. Select a business to view a service area map and find what other areas they work in.

How do I invite Electrical contractors in Queen Creek, AZ on the Procore Construction Network to bid on projects?

The Procore platform offers a Bidding tool to Procore customers. If your company uses our Bidding solution, you can search and invite businesses on the Procore Construction Network directly from the Bidding tool. Not yet using Procore? Request a demo.