Contractors in Katy, TX

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DXP Enterprises, Inc

Katy, TX
Industrial and Energy
Building Modules and Components, Combustion System Gas Piping, Commercial Equipment, Commissioning, Container Processing and Packaging, Decking, Design and Engineering, Electrical, Electrical General, Equipment, Fabricated Engineered Structures, Fabricated Panel Assemblies With Siding, Fabricated Wall Panel Assemblies, Facility Fuel Systems, Fire Pumps, Instrumentation and Control For Process Systems, Integrated Automation Control Valves, Integrated Automation Current Sensors, Integrated Automation Power Meters, Liquid Fuel Process Piping, Liquid Polymer Piping, Manufacturing Equipment, Petroleum Products Piping, Process Piping, Process Piping System Protection, Project Management, Project Management and Coordination, Safety Specialties, Vacuum Systems, Water and Wastewater Equipment
DXP Enterprises, Inc is a Supplier that serves the Katy, TX area and specializes in Fire Pumps, Fabricated Engineered Structures, Electrical, Decking, Process Piping System Protection, Process Piping, Liquid Polymer Piping, Building Modules and Components, Liquid Fuel Process Piping, Facility Fuel Systems, Commissioning, Design and Engineering, Container Processing and Packaging, Project Management and Coordination, Safety Specialties, Fabricated Wall Panel Assemblies, Instrumentation and Control For Process Systems, Equipment, Water and Wastewater Equipment, Integrated Automation Control Valves, Manufacturing Equipment, Integrated Automation Power Meters, Project Management, Commercial Equipment, Vacuum Systems, Petroleum Products Piping, Combustion System Gas Piping, Fabricated Panel Assemblies With Siding, Integrated Automation Current Sensors, Electrical General.
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Keeton Construction Services, KCS Construction Services

Austin, TX • Baytown, TX • Brenham, TX • Conroe, TX • Corpus Christi, TX • Cypress, TX • Dallas, TX • Hockley, TX • Houston, TX • Katy, TX • League City, TX • Magnolia, TX • Pasadena, TX • Pearland, TX • Rosenberg, TX • San Antonio, TX • Sugar Land, TX • The Woodlands, TX • Tomball, TX • Waller, TX
General Contractor, Owner Real Estate Developer
Commercial, Healthcare, Industrial and Energy, Institutional, Residential
Concrete Paving, Curbs and Gutters, Demolition, Design and Engineering, Earthwork, Excavation and Fill, General Construction Management, Grading, Painting and Coatings, Precast Concrete Retaining Walls, Preconstruction Bidding, Retaining Walls, Site Clearing, Structural Design and Engineering, Structural Steel Framing Erection, Structural Steel Framing Fabrication, Structure Demolition
Keeton Construction Services is a General Contractor that specializes in Turnkey Construction, Design-build, Architecture, Civil and Structural Concrete, Pre-Engineered Steel (Metal) building Construction, Facility Maintenance, Remodeling, Tenant finish-out, Construction Management, and Real Estate Development. We also have a Coatings division that provides Sandblasting, Power Washing, Commercial and Industrial Painting, and Epoxy floor systems. Our scope of work ranges from Day Care construction, Veterinary Clinics/Hospital construction, Retail Center construction, Health Care Facility construction, Storage Facility construction, Office building construction, Medical Center construction, Warehouse construction, Food Service Facility construction, Concrete Construction, Tilt-Wall Construction, Retaining Walls, Fire and Water Damage Restoration, Commercial and Industrial Development, Steel Fabrication and erection and Real Estate.
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Houston, TX • Katy, TX • Los Angeles, CA • Pearland, TX • Spring, TX
General Contractor
Commercial, Healthcare, Industrial and Energy, Infrastructure, Institutional, Residential
Access Control, Architectural Design and Engineering, Audio Video Communications, Cementitious Wall Panels, Ceramic Tile Faced Panels, Ceramic Tiling, Chain Link Fences and Gates, Chemical Waste Systems, Combustion System Gas Piping, Communications, Communications Utilities Distribution, Composite Wall Panels, Composite Windows, Concrete Countertops, Construction Waste Management and Disposal, Curbs Gutters Sidewalks and Driveways, Detention Security Systems, Distributed Communications and Monitoring Systems, Door Hardware, Door Louvers, Doors and Frames, Electrical, Electrical General, Electronic Security, Estimating, Instrumentation and Control For Electrical Systems, Integrated Automation Control Dampers, Integrated Automation Control Valves, Integrated Automation Current Sensors, Integrated Automation Sensors and Transmitters, Interior Wall Paneling, Structural Steel Framing Fabrication, Structure and Building Moving Relocation, Temporary Lighting, Video Surveillance, Wall Coverings, Wall Finishes, Wall Panels, Wood Countertops, Wood Doors and Frames, Wood Fences and Gates, Wood Flooring, Wood Framing, Wood Paneling, Wood Shingle Siding, Wood Siding, Wood Stairs and Railings, Wood Trim, Wood Wall Panels
UN ELECTRIC is a General Contractor that serves the Spring, TX area and specializes in Wall Panels, Interior Wall Paneling, Wood Wall Panels, Electrical, Wood Trim, Integrated Automation Control Dampers, Cementitious Wall Panels, Estimating, Concrete Countertops, Instrumentation and Control For Electrical Systems, Wood Countertops, Door Hardware, Wood Framing, Electronic Security, Detention Security Systems, Ceramic Tile Faced Panels, Integrated Automation Control Valves, Wood Flooring, Communications Utilities Distribution, Wood Fences and Gates, Composite Wall Panels, Chemical Waste Systems, Composite Windows, Wood Shingle Siding, Wall Coverings, Curbs Gutters Sidewalks and Driveways, Distributed Communications and Monitoring Systems, Wall Finishes, Structural Steel Framing Fabrication, Doors and Frames, Architectural Design and Engineering, Video Surveillance, Wood Paneling, Chain Link Fences and Gates, Construction Waste Management and Disposal, Wood Doors and Frames, Audio Video Communications, Wood Stairs and Railings, Communications, Ceramic Tiling, Wood Siding, Temporary Lighting, Access Control, Combustion System Gas Piping, Integrated Automation Sensors and Transmitters, Integrated Automation Current Sensors, Door Louvers, Electrical General, Structure and Building Moving Relocation.
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Greater Houston Construction LLC

Alvin, TX • Baytown, TX • Conroe, TX • Houston, TX • Katy, TX • Montgomery, TX • Pasadena, TX • Pearland, TX • Sugar Land, TX • The Woodlands, TX
General Contractor
Commercial, Industrial and Energy, Infrastructure, Residential
Cast In Place Concrete, Cast In Place Concrete Retaining Walls, Concrete, Concrete Paving, Curbs and Gutters, Curbs Gutters Sidewalks and Driveways, Demolition, Driveways, Earthwork, Erosion and Sedimentation Controls, Excavation and Fill, Grading, Paving and Surfacing, Plumbing, Pre Cast Concrete, Sanitary Facilities, Site Clearing, Site Watering For Dust Control, Soil Stabilization, Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control, Temporary Fencing, Temporary Storm Water Pollution Control, Traffic Control, Water and Wastewater Equipment, Water Based Fire Suppression Systems, Water Drainage Exterior Insulation and Finish System
Greater Houston Construction LLC is a General Contractor that serves the Houston, TX area and specializes in Excavation and Fill, Paving and Surfacing, Driveways, Traffic Control, Curbs and Gutters, Cast In Place Concrete Retaining Walls, Grading, Demolition, Pre Cast Concrete, Water Drainage Exterior Insulation and Finish System, Erosion and Sedimentation Controls, Concrete, Soil Stabilization, Water and Wastewater Equipment, Earthwork, Concrete Paving, Temporary Fencing, Sanitary Facilities, Site Clearing, Temporary Storm Water Pollution Control, Curbs Gutters Sidewalks and Driveways, Water Based Fire Suppression Systems, Plumbing, Cast In Place Concrete, Site Watering For Dust Control, Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many contractors in Katy, TX are on the Procore Construction Network?

There are currently 20,696 contractors in Katy, TX on the Procore Construction Network.

How can I find and connect with contractors in Katy, TX?

The Procore Construction Network allows you to search for contractors in Katy, TX that meet your business needs. Most companies provide a phone number or website on their business page so you can easily connect with them.

How can contractors in Katy, TX join the Procore Construction Network?

The Procore Construction Network is free and open to any businesses in the construction industry. Click Sign Up at the top of this page to submit your information and create your business page.

How do I know what areas contractors in Katy, TX cover?

Most businesses listed on the Procore Construction Network have updated their service area. Select a business to view a service area map and find what other areas they work in.

How do I invite contractors in Katy, TX on the Procore Construction Network to bid on projects?

The Procore platform offers a Bidding tool to Procore customers. If your company uses our Bidding solution, you can search and invite businesses on the Procore Construction Network directly from the Bidding tool. Not yet using Procore? Request a demo.

How many contractors in Katy, TX are on the Procore Construction Network?

There are currently 20,696 contractors in Katy, TX on the Procore Construction Network.

How can I find and connect with contractors in Katy, TX?

The Procore Construction Network allows you to search for contractors in Katy, TX that meet your business needs. Most companies provide a phone number or website on their business page so you can easily connect with them.

How can contractors in Katy, TX join the Procore Construction Network?

The Procore Construction Network is free and open to any businesses in the construction industry. Click Sign Up at the top of this page to submit your information and create your business page.

How do I know what areas contractors in Katy, TX cover?

Most businesses listed on the Procore Construction Network have updated their service area. Select a business to view a service area map and find what other areas they work in.

How do I invite contractors in Katy, TX on the Procore Construction Network to bid on projects?

The Procore platform offers a Bidding tool to Procore customers. If your company uses our Bidding solution, you can search and invite businesses on the Procore Construction Network directly from the Bidding tool. Not yet using Procore? Request a demo.