Project Management and Coordination Contractors in McLean, TX

3,169 Results within

Construction Scheduling
Design Coordination Services
General Construction Management
Project Management and Coordination
Value Analysis Engineering
Market Sector
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Business Classification
Trades and Services (5)
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DC, DC • Florida • Maryland • North Carolina • Ohio • South Carolina • Texas • Virginia
General Contractor, Owner Real Estate Developer
Commercial, Healthcare, Industrial and Energy, Infrastructure, Institutional, Residential
Acoustic Ceilings, Architectural Design and Engineering, Demolition, Design Coordination Services, Final Cleaning, Finish Carpentry, Firestopping, Flooring, Flooring Treatment, General Construction Management, Gypsum Board, Painting, Painting and Coatings, Partitions, Progress Cleaning, Project Management, Project Management and Coordination, Rough Carpentry, Temporary Construction Facilities and Identification
Headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina, is a privately held certified minority woman-owned construction and real estate development firm. GMS offers an innovative and professional approach to general contracting. GMS proudly serves the Triangle region of North Carolina, Texas, Ohio, and Virginia. GMS is quickly becoming an industry leader in construction and real estate development GMS offers self-performing work with experience in healthcare facilities, high-end hospitality projects, housing facilities, office buildings, and retail projects. GMS self-performs 95% of general requirements, rough carpentry, painting, millwork installation, Division 10 installation, and final cleaning. Because GMS self-performs a majority of its work, project managers and superintendents are able to focus on both the big picture and the small details of each project. GMS’s self-performing work ensures quality and keeps costs low for clients while developing minority leaders in the construction industry. GMS project managers and superintendents prioritize productive and safe work environments, with safety as a primary field focus.
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Memar Contractors Group

California • Colorado • Connecticut • Florida • Georgia • Hawaii • Illinois • Indiana • Kansas • Louisiana • Michigan • Minnesota • Mississippi • Missouri • Nevada • New Jersey • New York • Ohio • Oklahoma • South Carolina • South Dakota • Tennessee • Texas • Utah
Architect, Consultant, General Contractor, Owner Real Estate Developer
Commercial, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Institutional, Residential
Airfield Construction, Athletic and Recreational Special Construction, Construction Scheduling, Estimating, General Construction Management, Integrated Construction, Office Shelters and Booths, Preconstruction Bidding, Project Management, Project Management and Coordination, Sanitary Facilities, Signage, Special Purpose Rooms, Specialty Ceilings, Structural Steel, Structure Demolition, Temporary Construction Facilities and Identification, Tile, Transportation Construction and Equipment, Wall Coverings, Wall Finishes
Memar Contractors Group specializes in new construction, renovations, fitting, architecture and sub-contracting in the Dallas Fort Worth area. We pride ourselves on our commitment to our community, excellence in our work and the satisfaction for our customers. We work with homeowners, real estate developers, contracting groups and local businesses to create functional and beautiful spaces. Our services include: Commercial construction Commercial renovations Residential construction Residential renovations Our contractors will handle every aspect of your project, including electrical and plumbing, so you won't have to hire multiple companies to see it through. Contact us today to start with a free estimate for commercial or residential renovations or construction.
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Marking Services, Inc (MSI)

Alabama • Alaska • Arizona • Arkansas • California • Colorado • Connecticut • Delaware • Florida • Georgia • Hawaii • Idaho • Illinois • Indiana • Iowa • Kansas • Kentucky • Louisiana • Maine • Maryland • Massachusetts • Michigan • Minnesota • Mississippi • Missouri • Montana • Nebraska • Nevada • New Hampshire • New Jersey • New Mexico • New York • North Carolina • North Dakota • Ohio • Oklahoma • Oregon • Pennsylvania • Rhode Island • South Carolina • South Dakota • Tennessee • Texas • Utah • Vermont • Virginia • Washington • West Virginia • Wisconsin • Wyoming
Specialty Contractor
Commercial, Healthcare, Industrial and Energy, Infrastructure, Institutional, Residential
3d Capture Scanning, Design and Engineering, Design Coordination Services, Job Site Data Collection and Reporting, Photoluminescent Exit Specialties, Signage, Technology Design and Engineering, Temporary Signage
Marking Services Incorporated (MSI) is a labeling contractor specializing in engineering, manufacturing and installation services of pipe markers, valve tags, equipment identification and in-plant signage on major construction projects. As a single source supplier and contractor, MSI delivers turnkey labeling services and a comprehensive range of superior identification products to plant owners and construction contractors for enhanced communications, operability and safety. MSI is a worldwide leader in mechanical labeling, servicing the identification needs of mechanical contractors. We've been advancing the use of pipe markers, valve tags and equipment signs to enhance overall operations of commercial, industrial, health care, educational and technology facilities for the last 20 years. Working directly with electrical, plumbing, HVAC, fire protection and ammonia refrigeration contractors of all sizes, MSI offers a complete line of mechanical identification to meet every labeling challenge with extremely fast fulfillment, industry best quality, and no minimum order requirements. As a turnkey labeling contractor, MSI develops specific design, engineering, material fabrication and installation methods for all plant signage, pipe, valve, instrumentation and equipment identification. Serving the oil, gas, offshore drilling and power generation industries worldwide, MSI’s turnkey labeling services support a facility's commissioning, start-up and operation by providing critical information to plant personnel in a standardized and consistent manner. Our clients recognize the benefits of quality labeling and the long-term cost savings associated with faster more efficient plant commissioning and start-ups, improved operator training and enhanced plant safety for employees. Headquartered in Milwaukee Wisconsin USA, the company also has facilities in Houston Texas, Singapore, Canada, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Korea and Brazil.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many Project Management and Coordination contractors in McLean, TX are on the Procore Construction Network?

There are currently 3,169 Project Management and Coordination contractors in McLean, TX on the Procore Construction Network.

How can I find and connect with Project Management and Coordination contractors in McLean, TX?

The Procore Construction Network allows you to search for Project Management and Coordination contractors in McLean, TX that meet your business needs. Most companies provide a phone number or website on their business page so you can easily connect with them.

How can Project Management and Coordination contractors in McLean, TX join the Procore Construction Network?

The Procore Construction Network is free and open to any businesses in the construction industry. Click Sign Up at the top of this page to submit your information and create your business page.

How do I know what areas Project Management and Coordination contractors in McLean, TX cover?

Most businesses listed on the Procore Construction Network have updated their service area. Select a business to view a service area map and find what other areas they work in.

How do I invite Project Management and Coordination contractors in McLean, TX on the Procore Construction Network to bid on projects?

The Procore platform offers a Bidding tool to Procore customers. If your company uses our Bidding solution, you can search and invite businesses on the Procore Construction Network directly from the Bidding tool. Not yet using Procore? Request a demo.

How many Project Management and Coordination contractors in McLean, TX are on the Procore Construction Network?

There are currently 3,169 Project Management and Coordination contractors in McLean, TX on the Procore Construction Network.

How can I find and connect with Project Management and Coordination contractors in McLean, TX?

The Procore Construction Network allows you to search for Project Management and Coordination contractors in McLean, TX that meet your business needs. Most companies provide a phone number or website on their business page so you can easily connect with them.

How can Project Management and Coordination contractors in McLean, TX join the Procore Construction Network?

The Procore Construction Network is free and open to any businesses in the construction industry. Click Sign Up at the top of this page to submit your information and create your business page.

How do I know what areas Project Management and Coordination contractors in McLean, TX cover?

Most businesses listed on the Procore Construction Network have updated their service area. Select a business to view a service area map and find what other areas they work in.

How do I invite Project Management and Coordination contractors in McLean, TX on the Procore Construction Network to bid on projects?

The Procore platform offers a Bidding tool to Procore customers. If your company uses our Bidding solution, you can search and invite businesses on the Procore Construction Network directly from the Bidding tool. Not yet using Procore? Request a demo.