Ready to do your best work?
See why general contractors give Procore top ratings.
General contractors
Transform your business and unleash productivity with tools built by construction professionals, for construction professionals.
“With this platform, all documents, all communications, all messages and notifications—everything is archived and organized and can be referred back to. No one is left in the dark when there’s a change. Everything is instant.”
Paul Bergman, Bird Construction“With this platform, all documents, all communications, all messages and notifications—everything is archived and organized and can be referred back to. No one is left in the dark when there’s a change. Everything is instant.”
Paul Bergman, Bird ConstructionYour business is already a success. Procore can help you continue to grow—more reliably, with less risk, and at a reduced cost.
Free your people from being information chasers and process pushers. Foster collaboration that drives your team's best work.
Build scalable workflows that deliver reliable results, keep people safe, and surface the info you need to steer the business.
Protect your margins, optimize your backlog, manage change in real time, and streamline the billing and payment cycle.
When processes take you away from working on the project, things slow down, mistakes get made, and costs spiral out of control. With Procore, GCs close out projects 15 days faster.*
Boost field productivity to keep projects moving
See ahead to project risks and course-correct to avoid crises
Trust that project info is accurate, current, and complete
Regain command of project communications
Manage change in real time, streamline your billing process, and eliminate payment delays
*The 2022 Procore Customer ROI Report
Your success relies on seamless collaboration—from the field to the office and from your business to your trades. We can help.
Align all teams to a single source of truth
Collaborate with accountability across all workflows
Ensure adoption with simple tools and unlimited support
Pay and get paid faster with streamlined invoicing
Build strong trade partnerships with collaborative bidding and effective communication
*The 2022 Procore Customer ROI Report
Get the visibility and foresight you need to handle issues before they become crises. 79% of customers make their jobs safer with Procore, and 83% improve quality control.*
Implement a portfolio-wide safety program
Eliminate defects with scalable quality control
Eliminate surprises with accurate info and forecasts
Streamline prequalification, align on contracts, and set a clear baseline for change management
Preserve institutional knowledge at preconstruction handoff, project turnover, and other vital stages
*The 2022 Procore Customer ROI Report
Win enough work to keep busy. But don't win so much that you're overcommitted. And don't tender too low or you'll lose money. Procore can help you build a predictable, healthy future for your business.
Stay competitive with fast, accurate estimating
Confidently target and win the jobs you want
Build a healthy backlog of great projects that are set up for profitability
Partner with subcontractors to tender collaboratively and build aligned project teams from day 1
There’s no amount of construction management or overtime work that can make up for poorly thought out or incomplete design info. Set the stage for outstanding outcomes with effective, collaborative design management.
Collaboratively resolve issues in real time
Prevent slow resolution from stalling field progress
Create a source of truth with drawings at the center of collaboration
Hold design teams accountable for delivering actionable information in a timely fashion
Connect field and office teams in one source of truth so they have the tools to work efficiently, communicate effectively, and build better together.
Centralize siloed tools in your tech stack
Drive adoption with intuitive mobile tools
Leverage 500+ Procore App Marketplace integrations
Reduce IT burden and risk with a trusted SaaS partner
Your business is successful—why mess with it? Because achieving success shouldn't be this hard, it should pay even better, and Procore customers see results.
Average Increase in Margins
More Work Managed by Project Teams
See Better Field-to-Office Communication
No matter which branch of the org chart you call home, you can find what you need to do your job in Procore.
“It’s great to have a single source of truth so you’re not struggling on a daily basis just to find information—Procore does a great job of keeping it all clear and easy to access.”
Jessica Sidhu
Project Manager
Kinetic Construction
“We would have needed one piece of software for field management, another one for project management, and another for financial management, whereas Procore could do all of them.”
Andrew Matheson
Director of Finance and Operations
CDC Construction Ltd.
“The big benefit of Procore is the reduction in the amount of time that the superintendent needs to be in the office to look up data, an RFI, or drawing. With Procore, you have the drawing, specs, RFIs, submittals, and site instructions right on the mobile device and accessible in the hole or in the building.”
Daniel Kelly
IT Manager
Urban One
Customer Story
“My only complaint is that we didn't evolve to Procore sooner!”
Sharon Moulton
Senior Project Administrative Assistant
Dive into these resources to see how Procore can help amplify your success.
See why general contractors give Procore top ratings.