Start simplifying your project execution.
See why Procore ranked above the rest in the G2 Grid Report for Construction Project Management.
Work together to manage project activities, enforce strict quality and safety standards, and effectively coordinate designs, documents, and models using a single integrated platform.
Connect your stakeholders, goals, processes and project information in one place to drive success from early in development to construction completion.
Manage all project activities in one hub to reduce surprises and make cost-conscious and efficient decisions. Teams that use Procore save an average of 15 days on every project*.
Quickly identify potential issues and their impact
Avoid unwanted surprises with full project visibility
Give unlimited stakeholders access to the latest information
Capture and manage all project correspondence
Understand the whole story of the project through information registers
* Based on a 2022 survey of Procore customers.
Help minimise exposures and maximise profits with access to financial data on the worksite – allowing site and office teams to collaborate from one accurate budget.
Accurately track financials with real-time data from the worksite
Customise the way you organise and report on project financial data
Streamline invoicing, verify completed work and effectively route approvals
Produce detailed, time-phased cost forecasts that generate forward-looking insights
Bring change management to the site for quicker approvals and more accurate communication
Make it easier for teams to contribute to and comply with construction safety regulations and quality specifications by using purpose-built tools for the site.
Centralise documentation needed to meet standards
Pinpoint the causes of quality and safety issues
Understand, predict and correct risky behaviours
Track opportunities for everyday improvements
Track and standardise multi-step quality and safety processes across teams
Allow all stakeholders to collaborate in 3D and 2D to help prevent costly mistakes. Coordinating a 3D model early on is imperative, so the entire project team understands what needs to be built to avoid onsite surprises.
Connect BIM and site teams for better efficiency
Navigate 3D models without modelling software
Validate planned work by referencing the coordinated model
Reduce installation errors through better coordination capabilities
Give site teams a way to compare site conditions to 3D models and 2D drawings
Customer Story
“Procore is the ideal platform for centralising project management information and cross-team collaboration. It’s always accessible and up to date throughout the lifecycle of our projects. Having access to measurable data at any stage of the project is very important and helps us track quality, minimise potential risk and build a database to support future growth.”
Mick O’Connell
Construction Manager
Balmain & Co
See why Procore ranked above the rest in the G2 Grid Report for Construction Project Management.